Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quaker True Delights: Honey Roasted Cashew Mixed Berry

The second flavor I tried from the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program's Quaker True Delights was the Honey Roasted Cashew Mixed Berry. Honestly I couldn't tell a whole lot of difference between this bar and the Dark Chocolate Raspberry Almond bar I started with. They both had a base of Granola, coupled with something sweet, crunchy, and berry. Underwhelmed I was. Looking down at the last bar, Toasted Coconut Banana Macadamia Nut, left me feeling like I wasn't going to like this start to the Tastemaker program. I'm not a huge fan of Banana, less of Coconut, and used to hate nuts as they got stuck in my teeth when I was little. I would recommend trying the flavors, maybe they will strike a chord with you.
$3.49/box (5 bars)
140 calories
0 trans fat
3g of fiber

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