Sunday, November 30, 2008

Crab Stuffed Mushrooms

Finally, I am out of my Thanksgiving food coma enough to type on the keyboard. Wow, what a holiday, 5 days devoted to Food, Sports, and Family/Friends.
Here in Los Angeles, the three roomates, Yo Soy and her mother, a couple of friends, and I all gathered for a spectacular feast of gluttony. I will try and talk about some of the dishes in the next couple of posts including this one about Crab Stuffed Mushrooms.
I originally used the recipe for Christmas last year, and it was such a hit. A simple recipe which can be expensive if your crab isn't on sale, but it is worth using real meat. Enjoy!


Kirby! said...

Oh soooo worth it! I only ate one, and I am still thinking about it....

Anonymous said...

Love a mushroom stuffed with anything. Your's look delish!

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